Friday, August 5, 2011

Check out your local library a STEAL in my book

As a mommy of two young girls, E (who is 5 1/2) and R (who will be 3 in a couple weeks), I am always looking for ways to keep the girls busy and out of trouble. Also, just like any children, they always sleep better at night after an active day.

We are very fortunate to live in an area that is both close to NYC and even more exciting to me, very close to the beach. I spend a lot of summer days at the beach with my girls. Some of you may get the image of me reclining in a beach chair with a book in hand, but with my girls, the beach is a fun workout. Like most of the country this year, we have had days that were even too hot for the beach.

This being said, I just wanted to remind you all of what a great resource the library can be. We are fortunate to have a wonderful library system in our town with an even more amazing children's program. Today we took part in the "Teddy Bear Picnic". I packed up the girls' lunches, they grabbed their favorite teddy bears, and we headed to the library. It was rather warm, so the picnic was an indoor one, but there were fabulous stories, craft activities, and the best part was it was FREE (a major steal). 

Not only does our library have great children's programs, but they have fabulous programs for adults as well. Even more shocking yet, I learned that they offer many electronic books now that you can load onto any e-reader!  So make sure to check out your local library. You may be surprised at what you find!


  1. I've been meaning to take my little guys to our local library! My youngest finally stopped trying to EAT our books, hehe! :D

  2. such a true thing..and def a steal! ;)

    xo Hali from
