Friday, November 8, 2013

Long time no post...

I say I want to be a blogger, but then don't find the time to post. I know this is something I need to work on. I think most of the time I am not even sure I have something interesting enough to say.
Makes me think of the show Seinfeild (one of my all time favorites by the way). It was a show about nothing, but always made me laugh. Not sure if I can achieve the same.
Most of my past few months have been about survival for the most part. Something amazing happened this week though. Just when I thought it would never happen, my baby slept from 9-6. This also corresponded to his 6 month b-day. Amazing right? Well I felt like a whole new momma. I just hope this is a new pattern. When did your baby/babies sleep through the night?
I have a friend whose baby has pretty much slept through until 5:30 am from 8 weeks old. Amazing right? I am not sure it's anything she is doing/not doing, but more a matter of personality. My oldest was almost 7 months old before she even slept until 7:30 am, but then again she was also exclusively breastfed which might have made a difference.
I was so lucky with my second baby. She was a sleeper from a few months old. This baby boy is wonderful and has been such a great addition to our family. Just has been hard to keep up with all of them and just life in general on not much sleep (and I am a bad sleeper as it is).
Well if you are reading this, thank you!
Going to try to post more and have posts with more content and maybe even giveaways! We shall see.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Today only-----> win sheets from @bamboosheets

Do you have a twitter account? If so, you need to follow +BambooSheetsShop . Also like them on facebook Bamboosheets. These are high quality sheets at great prices! I have been searching for new sheets for a while and have my eye on a few sets. You can also follow them on pinterest and if you aren't on pinterest, let me know and I can send you an invitation!

Here is a link to the store: 

I have my eye on this particular set:

With new baby coming in less than 2 weeks would love a great nights sleep!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ella's giveaway on twitter

Ella's products are ones that I have been using for my children, and they LOVE them! They offer 100 percent organic foods in pouches to suit the needs of both babies and toddlers, and come in many delicious and nutricious flavors. If you have a twitter account or Facebook make sure to follow them and to check out the giveaway going on today: