Monday, August 15, 2011

easy summer cooking

Well if you know me, then it is not a surprise that summer is one of my favorite times of the year. "It's summertime and the living is easy"..well at least "easier" right? One of my favorite things about summer (aside from the beach and the pool) is how much easier it is to eat healthy. Especially here in the good old "garden state". In my own garden this year, I planted two different types of tomatoes and peppers. The tomatoes are not doing so hot (because I have a few rabbits that are enjoying eating them before I can get to them.) Have to work on that for next year. Still though, it is so wonderful to be able to enjoy fresh produce that is grown locally. My favorite of course would be corn on the cob.

There is nothing like the corn on the cob where I grew up in Central Pennsylvania. There was a local farm (which still stands today) where my mom always bought corn all summer. There is a table out front with a tin can and bushels of corn, and it works on the honesty policy. That is not something I see much anymore. Growing up my family was big into corn on the cob, and would have "corn roasts". There is nothing like corn in the husk that has been roasted to perfection in it's own husk, and then dressed in drawn butter and a little salt. Don't quite have corn like that here in Jersey, but have had some that is almost just as good.

All this being said, I find that cooking in the summer is so much easier for me. Love the grill and have a fabulous London broil recipe. It's amazing how the right marinade or rub, can transform any cut of meat. One of my "easiest" summer meals is London Broil, Mac N' Cheese, Corn on the cob, and sliced garden tomatoes. Because I promised "meals" in my blog here are the recipes:

London Broil Marinade:

1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup oil
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp ginger 1-2 cloves garlic

Martina's Mac and cheese:

4 tbsp butter
2 1/2 cup raw macaroni
8 oz shredded cheddar cheese
salt and pepper to taste
1 quart of whole milk

Melt butter in casserole dish in microwave until melted. Add macaroni and cheese, salt and pepper, mix well. Pour milk over the macaroni mixture (do not stir). Bake at 350 1 hour uncovered!

I hope that you will try them and then pass them a long if they become some of your favorites.

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